
Tuesday 20 May 2014

Week of Customer Service: Welcome!

What is Customer Service?

There are many ways of defining Customer Service, The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines it as:

“assistance and other resources that a company provides to the people who buy or use its products or services”

The customer is at the center of the their own universe.

It’s hard, but necessary, remind staff of this reality, every day and to keep it in mind, in good times and bad, yourself.

Here’s what “the customer is at the center of their own universe” means in day to day language:

  • Your hangover doesn’t matter to a customer, even though it’s making you feel like death warmed up. 
  • The traffic jam you suffered through on the way to work doesn’t matter to your customer, even though it’s still rattling around in your head. 
  • Your frustration with the new technology in the office doesn’t matter to the customer. Even your fascination with nifty new features in the technology doesn’t matter to the customer.

What matters to the customer is the customer, and the people the customer cares about, a category that only very slightly at best includes you, the service provider.

Every minute the customer is with you, the customer is thinking about their own reality. Or the reality of their relationship with the people who matter to them.

Think about this reality–because it is reality. Incorporate it into everything you do in business. You’ll be amazed at the rewards you reap. 

Fresh Learning offers a range of training and support with Customer Service, Time Management and other courses . For more information, send us a message using the contact form on the right-hand side of this post or email

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