
Monday 24 March 2014

How to improve Presentation Skills?

Knowing & influencing your audience.

You’re standing there, ready to deliver that big presentation. How do you feel?
A great presentation is one that informs, persuades and entertains. These hints and tips will enable you to present with confidence and professionalism – whatever the purpose.

Effective communication


Everything we say has an impact and therefore when we are advised to choose our words carefully it would be wise to do so.  Using positive, dynamic and clear words help us to express ourselves clearly and confidently.

Example: The top line words are positive alternatives to the  words underneath:
I will
(I can)


The words we use are very important. However, according to experts in communication, the tone we use when saying them carries more impact than the words themselves. Therefore our tone should reflect the positive image we wish to portray of our company and ourselves.


Body Language

Your facial expressions; your posture; the gestures and movements you make - can influence the listener’s understanding.  Being aware of our body language can help us to understand the reactions we may be receiving.  Is our body language in tune with the rest of communication?  Be aware of:

Eye Contact
Facial Expression

Starting your Presentation

Before the presentation
  • Arrive ahead of time
  • Check location of power points and extension leads
  • Check that all equipment works and there are no trailing leads or other hazards
  • Get spare bulbs, pens, pads, chalk, etc.
  • Arrange seating
  • Check that presentation notes are to hand
  • Check that samples, diagrams and hand-outs are available
  • Check lunch/coffee/tea arrangements

First impressions last
  • Take control from the outset
  • Establish contact with the group immediately
  • Go through your opening ritual

Managing your Nerves
Preparing yourself
  • Know your role and your reasons for talking
  • Become familiar with the place in which you will speak
  • If possible, greet some of the audience as they arrive
  • Visualise yourself speaking
  • Realise people want you to succeed
  • Don't apologise for being nervous

Starting to speak
  • Regulate your breathing
  • Relax your face and neck muscles
  • Establish eye contact
  • Occupy your hands, if necessary, in a non-distracting way
  • Start your opening ritual

Looking good
  • Take control and keep it
  • Manage your mannerisms
  • Use gestures as appropriate
  • Use facial expressions, consciously
  • Use appropriate body language
  • Use your position in the room, consciously
  • Concentrate on your message and you will forget about your nerves
  • Turn nervous energy into enthusiasm

Using your Voice
Voice Control
  • Control your breathing
  • Project, don’t shout
  • Vary the pitch, tone, volume and pace
  • Don’t swallow the ends of words and sentences

Holding interest
  • Use punctuation, for pauses
  • Use questions

Receiving Feedback
  • Listen carefully
  • Think about whether or not you agree with what is being said
  • Be clear - ask questions
  • See if other people agree with what is being said
  • Ask more questions if you want more feedback
  • Decide if you want to take action as a result of the feedback
  • Thank the other person for giving the feedback
Fresh Learning offers a range of training and support with presentation skills. For more information, send us a message using the contact form on the right-hand side of this post or email

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