
Friday, 4 April 2014

Ways to give Feedback

Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback increases self-awareness, offers options and encourages development, so it can be important to learn to give it and receive it. Constructive feedback does not mean only positive feedback. Negative feedback given skillfully can be very important and useful.

Destructive feedback means that which is given in an unskilled way, which leaves the recipient simply feeling bad with seemingly nothing in which to build or options for using the learning.

Skilled Feedback:

Start with the positive

Most people need encouragement, to be told when they are doing something well. When offering feedback it can help the receiver to hear first what you like about what they did and what you thought was done well.

e.g. “I really like how well you listened to Jim, however, on that occasion I did feel you made an assumption about him, without checking it out.”

Our culture tends to emphasise the negative. The focus is likely to be mistakes more often than strengths. In a rush to criticise we may overlook the things we liked. If the positive is registered first any negative is more likely to be listened to, and acted upon.

Be specific

Try to avoid general comments, which are not very useful when it comes to developing skills. Statements such as “you were brilliant” or “it was awful” may be pleasant or dreadful to hear, but they do not give enough detail to be useful sources of learning. Try to pinpoint what the person did which lead you to form the opinion that it was “brilliant” or “awful”.

e.g. “The way you asked that question just at that moment was really helpful” 

Specific feedback gives more opportunity for learning.

Refer to behavior which can be changed

It is not likely to be helpful to give a person feedback about something over which they have no choice.

e.g. “I really don’t like your face / height / the fact that you are bald, etc.” is not offering information about which a person can do very much. On the other hand, to be told that; “It would help me if you smiled more or looked at me when you speak” is helpful information.


Own the feedback

It can be easy to say to the other person, “you are...”, suggesting that you are offering universally agreed opinions about that person. In fact all we are entitled to give is our own experience of that person at a particular time. It is also important that we take responsibility for the feedback we offer. Beginning the feedback with “I” or “In my opinion”, is a way of avoiding the impression of being the giver of “cosmic judgements” about the other person.

Leave the recipient with a choice

Feedback, which demands change or is imposed heavily on this other person, may invite resistance, and it is not consistent with a belief in each of us being personally autonomous. It does not involve telling somebody how they must be to suit us. Skilled feedback offers people information about themselves in a way which leaves them with a choice about whether to act on it or not. It can help to examine the consequences of any decision to change or not to change.


Giving Feedback

A simple way to assist you in giving feedback is to use the AID model, which is easy to remember, allowing you to effectively communicate the feedback you have to give.


  • Action - what happened to require the feedback
  • Impact - what effect this had (stick to the facts)
  • Do Differently - how can we do things differently in the future?

Fresh Learning offers a range of training and support with Feedback and other useful courses . For more information, send us a message using the contact form on the right-hand side of this post or email

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